Graduate School - within the field of cancer


The deadline for applications in Fenix is Thursday 3rd of October 2024, at 3 p.m. 

Page updated 2 july 2024.

The Swedish Cancer Society, organization number 802005-3370, 101 55 Stockholm, is the body responsible for the collection and processing of personal data in connection with grant applications.

The Swedish Cancer Society has a digitized grant application system called Fenix. Fenix uses BankID and Swedish social security numbers for both identification and signing. The application is signed digitally by both the Head of Department and the applicant directly in Fenix. Applicants sign the application last, i.e. after the Head of Department has signed.

Note that if you make changes to the application after sending it to the Head of Department for signing, you must send a new request for signing by your Head of Department, as the application has changed. This applies regardless of what changes have been made.


The grant is intended to facilitate the operation of Graduate Schools aimed at the target group of postgraduate students with projects within the field of cancer.

The Swedish Cancer Society pays research grants only to Swedish universities and higher educational institutions.


The Graduate School shall offer the participants postgraduate education within the framework described by the corresponding university or college's postgraduate education committee.

Graduate Schools run jointly by two or more higher education institutions located in different healthcare regions will be given special consideration, as will those that are based on an appropriate balance between clinically and pre-clinically active graduate students.

The support is thus partly intended to encourage cooperation across regional borders and between different higher education institutions with the aim of promoting networking.

It is also the Swedish Cancer Society's intention to stimulate networking between different disciplines. The higher education institutions included in the application must have at least one named applicant.

The application must state the names of the principal applicant and any co-applicants.

Formal eligibility requirements

Eligible to apply are those with a university affiliation and at least associate professor competence.

Grant period

Graduation School is awarded for a maximum of three years. The grant period can begin between 1st July of the same year in which the decision is made and up to and including 1st January of the year following the decision.

Regardless of the choice of start date, the contract starts from July 1st . Payments are made quarterly, and the first payment is made in September and is retroactive from 1st July the same year as the decision is made.

Use of the grant

Grants can be used for external teachers and lecturers, board and lodging, travel, course administration, course materials and other direct course operation costs. This may include rental costs for lecture halls and the like, but not for the regular premises used by university employees.

The grant may not be used as salary for participating doctoral students. A prerequisite for awarding grants is that there is a budget showing how students' salaries and other expenses are to be covered. In addition the grant is not intended to cover the costs of basic general science courses within the corresponding university's graduate program.

Grants can be awarded up to SEK 800,000 per year.

One Graduate School - one grant

Payment of grants is made only to the principal applicant's university or college for further distribution in accordance with the specified budget plan.

Basis for assessment

The application is assessed according to the following assessment criteria:

  • The scientific and pedagogical quality of the course plan
  • How the graduate school plans to collaborate across regional borders and with other educational institutions
  • How the graduate school intends to promote networking
  • Budget
  • Applicants' competence
  • Cancer relevance - according to the Swedish Cancer Society's statutes, the society must "support, organize and coordinate cancer research".

Graduate School Plan

The plan must contain the following seven headings:

    1. Applicants for graduate school - curriculum vitae
      For the principal applicant, the following applies: CV containing a short description of educational background and positions held as well as a list of publications with 10 relevant works in the latest 5-year period and a description of pedagogical qualifications, including the organization of courses at advanced level.
    2. Syllabus
      Description of objectives, pedagogical content, title and content of the courses included, corresponding to a maximum of four A4 pages. If the courses also include so-called basic (compulsory) postgraduate courses, it must be clear how these are targeted specifically at cancer researchers during their training.
    3. Admissions criteria
      Including estimated number of course participants and plan for their financing in terms of salary during the course period.
    4. Recruitment process
      Short description of the recruitment process for the postgraduate students.
    5. Faculty staff
      Brief description of academic and pedagogical competencies, corresponding to a maximum of one A4 page.
    6. Budget
      Budget including funding of the graduate school from other donors.
    7. Summary
      Summary of the graduate school's aims, course content and vision written for lay people, corresponding to a maximum of half an A4 page.

Practical guidelines

Grant holders from other financing organisations than Cancerfonden

Applicants holding grants from, or having appointments at, the tobacco industry can not apply or be awarded financing from Cancerfonden.

Signing the application

When you have completed your application, you must send it to your Head of Department by going into the "Preview/Förhandsgranska" tab. At the bottom of the page, you click on "Request signing/Be om signering". This sends the application to your Head of Department, who receives it and signs it digitally with BankID.

Note that if you make changes to the application after sending it to the Head of Department for signing, you must send a new request for signing by your Head of Department, as the application has changed. This applies regardless of what changes have been made.

When the Head of Department has signed the application digitally with BankID, you as the applicant will receive an email. You can then log in and sign the application digitally with BankID. Note that you as applicant must do this no later than 3rd of October 2024 at 3 p.m.

Make sure, therefore, that you allow enough time for your application to be signed by your head of institution and then for you as applicant to sign and submit the application before the application period closes.

Application signing period

The deadline for applications in Fenix is Thursday 3rd of October 2024, at 3 p.m.


Decisions will be made at a meeting of the Research Committee in March. Written feedback reports will be available in Fenix under the corresponding applications.

Unfinished applications will be deleted after the end of the call for applications.


Applications are made in the Swedish Cancer Society's grant application system Fenix. Applications can be saved and altered until you have pressed the button "Request signing/Be om signering". Applications cannot be signed and submitted unless all the tabs in the application form are marked in green.

Applications cannot be altered or supplemented after the end of the application period.

When applying in more than one category in the same application round, the priorities for these applications must be submitted by emailing


  • Complete list of publications.
  • Graduate school plan under the seven compulsory headings listed above

Change of address

The applicant/grantee is responsible for ensuring that up-to-date personal and institutional contact information is entered into the Fenix application portal.

Change of administrative authority / institution

When transferring grants to another administrative authority or to another institution within the current university or college, the application for transfer must be made in Fenix with digital signing / approval from both the current and receiving Heads of Department.

Reports (financial and scientific)

Not later than three months (see contract) after the end of the period of performance, a report must be submitted via Fenix. Unused funds must be repaid. 

Log in to Fenix

If you already have an account, you can logga in i Fenix. If you do not have an account yet you can skapa ett konto här.

For more information, please look at instructions for Fenix.


Contact the Research department at telephone number 010 - 199 10 10, or by email

Use of personal data

Read more about the Swedish Cancer Society's handling of personal data in the Swedish Cancer Society's privacy policy (in Swedish).